What is grayscale to the LED display?
In led screen, grayscale is a range of shades of gray without apparent color. The darkest possible shade is black, which is the total absence of reflected light. The lightest possible shade is white, the total transmission of light at all visible wavelengths. Intermediate shades of gray are represented by equal brightness levels of three primary colors (red, green and blue) for transmitted light. The grayscale intensity has 256 shades of gray from black to white. As all colors comes from RGB primary colors, that means the highest grayscale of a full color image is 24bits (256 x 256 x 256). So, for LED display products, when it gets higher gray scale, the color is more rich and vivid. At Novaview Led Screen we focus on higher grey scale.
What levels of grayscale should be proper for different kinds of LED display products and led display screen ?
1) For most of LED displays including outdoor LED display and indoor LED displays for digital display 13bit grayscale would be enough.
2) When the screen needs to show lots of gradient image, the screen needs 14bits grayscale or higher.
3) At Novaview we try to deal with 14 to 16 bit grey scale for led screen and led display